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Pressure Relieving Ankle Foot Orthosis (PRAFO)

Purpose: Pressure Relief to prevent pressure sores or allow for healing of a sore

Category: Leg bracing

Size Range: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large (based on manufacture)

Insurance Coverage: Yes, FSA eligibility

Availability: Medical stores, Amazon, some major pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens) (When purchasing from Amazon, be sure to read the manufacturer's return policy as all equipment might have different policies)

Parts of a PRAFO:

  • Foot plate with rubber sole (to wear out of bed, if needed)

  • Heel Relief (for pressure relief)

  • Foot/toe strap, ankle strap, shin strap

  • Some variations have a stabilizer stand (image) for positioning the leg in neutral

Critical information

  1. Ensure that the foot is placed snug into the PRAFO and in a neutral position (without the foot turning in or out)

  2. The straps should be applied snug to allow for circulation – 2 fingers should easily pass in between the straps

  3. The padding can be washed and dried in the washing machine

  4. In the event of muscle spasms it might be beneficial to use the PRAFO without the stabilizer stand to avoid injury

  5. Recommendations for wear time: usually at night (to relieve pressure at the sole/heel of the foot). it might be recommended out of bed in some situations based on skin/pressure sensitivity

  6. There are a few variations of pressure relieving orthosis, consult with your care team to find out which one would be best for your family


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