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Is it ok to receive therapy immediately after a brain injury?

YES! The brain is highly sensitive during those first few days to weeks following a brain injury, healing the injured cells as well as creating new pathways. Evidence shows that individuals who were mobilized in the intensive care units had shorter length of stays. But unfortunately, the research also shows that referrals are not often made for physical therapy in the ICU’s leading to inconsistencies with movement early on.

This could have many reasons such as medical complications. It is ok to ask the neurologist if physical therapy is appropriate for your loved one when they are in ICU and if there are any conditions that limit them from participating. And do not be afraid if you see a therapist treating your family member while they are in the ICU – in fact use this time to ask questions regarding their progress, take pictures if you can/want to as this will help you track their progress from the hospital till they come home!


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