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Bed Alarm

Important: This page was created to provide general information regarding commonly used and/or recommended devices and equipment. Some of these items might not be required initially but may be appropriate at a later stage, based on medical/rehabilitative team advice. Please continue to rely on the recommendations and training provided by your medical and rehabilitative team. Inappropriate use of equipment can lead to falls and/or injury.

Purpose: A device with sensors that are connected to an alarm used for safety. The sensor pad is often placed in bed and alarms when someone is attempting to get out of bed which may be considered unsafe.

Category: Safety devices

Size Range: Sensor pads vary depending on the company

Insurance Coverage: No, however you may have a chance for coverage if you submit with physician information that alarm is medically necessary.

Availability: Medical stores, Amazon, some major pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens) (When purchasing equipment from Amazon, be sure to read the manufacturer's return policy as all equipment might have different policies)

Critical Information

  • Should not be used if skin integrity or pressure ulcers are a concern

  • Should not be used if it will interfere with the features of a pressure relief mattress or mattress gel overlay

  • We recommend having a backup safety plan in place for safety in the event the bed alarm does not detect movement


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