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Ankle Foot Orthosis and Articulated Foot Orthosis (AFO and AAFO)

Purpose: Optimal positioning of foot for all transfers and walking

Category: Leg bracing

Size Range: Usually custom made by an orthotist

Insurance Coverage: Yes – the orthotist applies for the brace through your insurance

Availability: “off the shelf” models are available however caution must be taken with these, as it could cause skin breakdown. Consult with your care team regarding options.

Parts of a AFO and AAFO:

  • Foot plate

  • Shin Strap

  • Articulated Ankle Joint for the AAFO

  • Add-ons in some situations: ankle strap, toe strap, knee shell (in front of the knee)

Critical information

  1. Ensure that the foot is placed snug into the brace and in a neutral position (without the foot turning in or out)

  2. The straps should be applied snug to allow for circulation – 2 fingers should easily pass in between the straps

  3. Recommendations for wear time: the therapist usually increases wear time till an average of 8-10 hours can be tolerated without skin breakdown.

  4. Sensitive/Pressure Prone Areas: Top of toes (from rubbing inside the shoe), around the ankle joint (from contact with the brace), around the knee joint (on the outside from contact with the brace, and in front/base of knee if using knee shell). Sensitivity skin will react with redness and/or indentations that do not dissipate within 15 - 30 minutes. Should this occur, it is important to contact the orthotist that custom made the brace, or the physical therapist that has worked with you in the past


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